Rilasciati nuovi driver AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta8 per Battlefield 4

Nella giornata di oggi anche AMD così come Nvidia, ha rilasciato i nuovi catalyst ottimizzati al meglio per il tanto atteso gioco sparatutto Battlefield 4. Entriamo nello specifico, parliamo dei Catalyst 13.11 Beta8 AMD con questo update ha risolto molti problemi come ad esempio i crash riguardanti battlefield 4, inoltre si sono avute migliorie anche su altri titoli.
Di seguito vi rilasciamo il link per il download e le note di rilascio della casa produttrice:
- AMD Catalyst™ 13.11 Beta8 for Windows®
- AMD Mobility Catalyst 13.11 Beta8 for Windows (64-bit)
- AMD Mobility Catalyst 13.11 Beta8 for Windows (32-bit)
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta8 Driver for Windows
- Includes all Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta7
- Resolves intermittent crashes experienced with Battlefield 4 on Windows 8 based systems
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta7 Driver for Windows
- Includes all Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta6
- Increases AMD CrossFire™ scaling up to an additional 20% for Battlefield 4
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta6 Driver for Windows
- Includes all Feature Highlights of AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta
- Includes support for the new products:
- AMD Radeon™ R9 290X
- AMD Radeon R9 290
- Performance improvements
- Batman: Arkham Origins – improves performance up to 35% with MSAA 8x enabled
- Total War™: Rome 2 – improves performance up to 10%
- Battlefield 3 – improves performance up to 10%
- GRID 2 – improves performance up to 8.5%
- DiRT Showdown – improves performance up to 10%
- Formula 1™ 2013 – improves performance up to 8%
- DiRT 3 – improves performance up to 7%
- Sleeping Dogs – improves performance up to 5%
- Performance improvements for the AMD APU Series (comparing AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta6 to AMD Catalyst 13.9)Automatic AMD Eyefinity Configuration
- Luxmark (openCL) – improves performance up to 10%
- Winzip 17.5 (openCL) – improves performance up to 20%
- GRID 2 – improves performance up to 4%
- Battlefield 4 – improves performance up to 5%
- Lef4Dead – improves performance up to 10%
- Automatic “plug and play” configuration of supported Ultra HD/4K tiled displays
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta Driver for Windows
- Includes support for the new products:Performance improvements for the AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series in the following games:
- AMD Radeon™ R9 280X
- AMD Radeon R9 270X
- AMD Radeon R7 260X
- AMD Radeon R7 250
- AMD Radeon R7 240
- Total War™: Rome 2 – improves performance up to 10%
- Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ – improves performance up to 7% on single GPU and AMD CrossFire™ configurations
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® – improves performance up to 9%