
Arrivano i Catalyst 13.8 beta per il Frame Pacing

AMD Catalyst

AMD che annuncia la disponibilità del pacchetto BETA dei driver catalyst 13.8, compilato per risolvere i problemi di frame rate nelle configurazioni CrossFireX che fino ad oggi è stata la vera limitazione per le schede grafiche. Con questa release di driver AMD ha aggiunto al suo pannello di controllo una nuova voce chiamata Frame Pacing.

Ecco le novità di questa release di driver:

Support for AMD CrossFire Frame Pacing

– Frame Pacing ensures that frames rendered across multiple GPUs in a CrossFire configuration will be displayed at an even and regular pace.

– Enabled through the AMD Catalyst Control Center; Globally or on a per application basis.

– Frame Pacing is enabled by default.

– Supported for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications, and resolutions up to and including 2560×1600 (single display).

OpenGL 4.3 support – full support for the OpenGL 4.3 feature set

Performance improvements found in AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta for Windows:

– Metro: Last Light – improves performance up to 7% on the AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series

OpenGL support for User Profiles and Catalyst Application Profiles:

– Users can now create per application 3D setting profiles for OpenGL applications.

– OpenGL applications are now supported through Catalyst Application Profile updates (for single GPU and AMD CrossFire configurations).

AMD Enduro Technology enhancement – Catalyst Control Center will now show which applications are active on the Performance GPU, and the Power-Saving GPU

Resolved issues:

– Resolved crash when enabling AMD CrossFireX on some AMD 970 platforms

– Improved stability for AMD Radeon HD 7790

– Resolved intermittent mouse cursor corruption when rapidly moving the cursor across window borders

I driver sono compatibili con Windows 7 e Windows 8 , di seguito le schde video compatibili:

  • AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 8000M Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 7000M Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 6000M Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000M Series

Link per il Download

AMD Catalyst 13.8 BETA Desktop (Windows 7/8 32/64-bit)

AMD Catalyst 13.8 BETA Mobility (Windows 7/8 32/64-bit)

Salvatore L.

Avvicinatosi al mondo videoludico grazie ad un Commodore64 alimentando in se la curiosità per il mondo Hi-Tech in particolar modo per tutto ciò che riguarda l' Hardware di un Computer. Dopo anni di collaborazioni con vari blog informatici Italiani nel 2012 apre il sito Hardware Mind.

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